Called-up capital has not yet been completely paid, though payment has been requested by the issuing entity. g) Reserve Capital: It is part or portion of another word for called up share capital mean The difference between called-up share capital and paid-up share capital is that investors have already paid in full for paid-up capital. f) Paid Up Capital: It is part of called up capital that the members of company or shareholders have paid. e) Called Up Capital: It is the amount of nominal values of shares that has been called up by the company for payment by the subscriber towards the share. CR Called up share capital not paid - £100.00 Is the above correct? Do I need to move the shares to a different account (because they have been paid, so they are no longer in "called up" status)? For example: DR Called. DR Called up share capital not paid - £100.00.pep19 ussel SHARE CAPITAL in Thesaurus: 97 Synonyms & Antonyms … Share Capital - Equity Invested by Shareholders and … another word for called up share capital mean Web If a company receives full payments for called up capital. Companies issue shares in this manner to sell their shares to potential shareholders on relaxed terms, which can potentially raise the sum of equity obtainable by a business. Another word for called up share capital WebThe amount of shares companies call for as partial payment is what is referred to as called up share capital.